Mental Health Articles and Information

Looking for information related to mental health? Here are some helpful articles and links to videos and podcasts.

General Information:

Mental Health Minnesota
Access to peer support, videos, and articles related to mental wellbeing

Wellness – NAMI Minnesota
Description of wellness and information about the 8 dimensions of wellness

For youth:

How to Talk to Your Parents About Getting Help – Child Mind Institute 

Change to Chill
Resources for young people related to stress management and healthy coping strategies

For parents:

How to Talk to Your Teen About Substance Use – Child Mind Institute

Teens & Young Adults – Child Mind Institute
Resources for parents of teens related to adolescent development, communication, and mental health challenges 

For providers:

Resources to Support the Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers | Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network

Checking In podcast–Available in English and Espanol
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage month and culturally specific discussions related to mental health